8.30 am -11am breakfast baps, teas, coffee etc

12pm - 2pm lunch is served ( first come first served)

Teas, coffees & cake available throughout the day 

Mulled wine, from 7.30pm onward

And don't forget the Baileys & Brandy Coffee's/Hot Chocolates with or without squirty cream!!

Cafe closes at 11.30pm Weds, Thurs & Friday & 12.30am Saturday night.

The Spirit of Awen Cafe is a magical place that provides a wonderful social space, with lunch time  & evening entertainment, amazing freshly prepared food & drinks all cooked and prepared on site by the Cafe Elves!..


The Cafe Elves are the most magical and special of beings who help to create the most happy and enchanting of spaces for your relaxation & enjoyment. They are dedicated and work incredibly hard and because of this they are very much loved and deserve our thanks, support and applause in the daily miracles that they manage to achieve......


Included on this page, for your information you will find a selection of the menus for the café. However, we must stress that there may be changes, subtractions and/or additions, to the menus which might not be possible to ammend on this page because we will already be on site.  It is possible that this could also include small changes to the prices depicted here, although we will do our best to ensure that this does not happen.


Also, Please be aware that unless specifically stated there may be ingredients, i.e., nuts, gluten, sugar, wheat, that individuals may have allergies or are sensitive to. Whilst we will endeavour to cater to all we have to stress that this is not all ways possible especially with the limited resources of a 10 day camp. So thank you in advance for your support and understanding regarding this matter.


So.. dear campers enjoy the space, embrace the magic and endulge yourselves with the srummy cakes, breakfast baps and lushous lunch time jacket spuds & salads but please, please can we ask that you always show your appreciation & Love to the Cafe Elves whose special magic is a big part of making it all happen.....